
tirsdag 26. april 2016

Quit Smoking - It is Your Health

If you smoke, you know how difficult it is to Quit Smoking.  How many times have you said to yourself or to your friends or family that you are going to quit smoking today or tomorrow or even next week with no such luck, or I’m going to join a stop smoking program and never do.  People do not understand that nicotine is a drug and it is addictive and its not easy to quit.  After all the times of saying you will quit and you can’t its because the addictions remains.

Lets take a closer look at the effects of.  Smoking has an injurious effect on most all of ones body parts.  Its not so hard to believe but the biggest risk is to your lungs as they are affected most adversely and whats funny is, the most addicted smokers know the risk of lung cancer and continue to smoke.

But there is much more than one might know, smoking can adversely affect your hair, brain, eyes, nose, skin, teeth, mouth and throat, hands, esophagus, respiratory system and lungs, cardiovascular system, liver, abdomen, kidneys and bladder, male reproductive system, bones, blood, immune system, and your legs and feet.

So, how important is your health to you?  Do you really want to Stop Smoking?  There are so many different programs on the market today, what works for one may not work for another, and based on reasons for wanting to quit.  Is it out of demand, illness or do you just have the pure desire to quit?

When searching for a quit smoking program, you will want to look at the pros and cons and warnings associated with each program, do they use medication, meditation or what is the primary methodology to guide you to break your addiction.

You will be amazed at how many diverse stop smoking programs are out on the market today.  The big question is, do you really honestly want to quit?  If you answered yes, then you and only you need to get a handle on your addiction.  Find the program that feels best for you and go for it.  It only takes a short period of time to break the chemical dependency to nicotine, it’s the habits that is hard, or when you are stressed or happy or other triggers that make you want to smoke.  Have a great attitude, and confidence in yourself that you can quit this horrible addiction and you will do it.

Have much success with your quit smoking program, it may become stressful at times, but stay strong and know that your health is worth it.  Do it Now, because your LIFE depends on it.

mandag 25. april 2016

Get a Stop-Smoking Vaccine to Help You Quit

If you have been smoking cigarettes for one year or many years, you’ll know how addictive they are. Your body gets used to the nicotine and the smoking habit, and it lets you know when you need to have a smoke break. What if you could free yourself of that craving, and improve your health at the same time? A stop-smoking vaccine, or injection, can help you do just that.

There are various methods and products available to help you quit smoking, and each one of them is effective for some people but not for others. Some of these methods include natural herbs, nicotine-free cigarettes, nicotine gum and patches. One of the methods that has proven to be most effective, with over 70 per cent of smokers having success in quitting, is the stop-smoking vaccine.

The vaccine, which must be administered by a doctor, works rapidly once you receive it to block the receptors in your brain which recognize and crave nicotine. Stopping the craving for nicotine is the most difficult and important part in quitting smoking, and the results of this vaccine show themselves almost overnight. Once you no longer have to worry about craving nicotine, you will have more energy and willpower to devote to breaking the smoking habit.

Along with the need for nicotine, there is simply a habit in stopping for smoke breaks, having something in your hands, and the social part of talking with others about your day while having a cigarette. You can learn to replace these habits with other, healthier behaviors that don’t make you crave a cigarette. Try talking on the phone, or going outside for a five-minute walk. Even chewing gum can help break old habits.

Your doctor will be able to provide you with all of the information you need on stop-smoking vaccines, including how effective it will be for you, if there are any possible side effects, and what the cost will be. Although the cost of the vaccine is not incredibly high, you may consider it out of your budget. But take a minute to think about two things: how much you would spend on cigarettes over the course of your life, and what types of health problems you could end up with from smoking. This helps to put the cost of the vaccine in perspective, and you’ll realize that it is definitely worth investing in.

søndag 24. april 2016

Living A Smoke-Free Life

Do you feel like you're fighting a lost cause trying to quit smoking?  Do you feel like you've tried quitting for too long and are frustrated because of your failure?  Do you find it comforting to know that you are not the only one who failed to quit smoking?  Or in the fact that most smokers take multiple tries before finally getting rid of the smoking habit?

It is understandable for you to feel that way, as many people who are attempting to quit smoking share that same feeling.  However, it is best to view those failures not as a reminder that you cannot quit, but rather as a normal part of the journey towards a cigarette-free lifestyle.

During the arduous journey to becoming smoke-free, it is important that you keep this mantra in your head: “Nothing is impossible, you can do it!” And to help you further in your quest, here are twelve simple and effective ways to quit smoking:
l Deep breathing.  This is the simplest technique you can use to help you get started on quitting smoking.  Try to do these steps three times when you feel the urge to smoke.  Inhale the deepest lung-full of air you can and slowly exhale, pursing your lips so that air comes out slowly.  As you let our air, close your eyes and slowly let your chin sink over onto your chest.  Imagine all the tension getting out of your body, little by little flowing out from your fingers and toes.  This is a variation of a very relaxing yoga technique.  If practiced frequently, it may also help you during stressful situations.  It's primary function is to help you get through the strong nicotine cravings during the initial stages of quitting the smoking habit.
l Flushing.  During the first few days, drink lots of water to slowly flush out the nicotine and other chemicals from your body.
l Watch what you eat.  Stay away from alcohol, sugar, and coffee.  Alcohol, sugar, and coffee have a tendency to stimulate the desire to light up a cigarette.  Keep fatty foods to a minimum because the body's metabolism may slow down a little bit without the nicotine.  And because of this change in the body's metabolism. a little dieting discipline is required.
l Use oral substitutes.   There are a lot of oral substitutes available in the market right now.  One can use cinnamon sticks, chewing gum, or artificial cigarettes as a replacement.  This makes it easier for smokers to get over the need of popping a cigarette into their mouths.  And by the first week of being a non-smoker, you will find that you won't have any use for oral substitutes anymore.
l Exercise.  Sweating helps flush out nicotine through your sweat.  And also, if you see yourself getting fitter and healthier every time you exercise, chances are you'd feel reluctant lighting a stick of cigarette knowing pretty well what it can do to you.
l Surround yourself with supportive people.  Ask for support from people who matter to you.  Your family, friends, even trusted co-workers.  It helps to have people who care for you encourage you to go on.

Smoking may have been enjoyable, but somethings are just not meant to be enjoyed for too long.  Just think about your own health and the wellbeing of those around you, and that alone should be motivation enough to get you to start taking smoking seriously.

tirsdag 19. april 2016

How to Cope With Cigarette Smoking Cravings

According to statistics, millions of people are still addicted to cigarette smoking even though they are aware of its hazardous effects on the body. Smoking can affect the different organs of the body, thus, making a person more susceptible to acquire or develop health complications. Apart from its adverse effects in health, smoking can also disrupt a person’s physical well being.

The diseases commonly associated with smoking are cancer, heart attack, high blood pressure, cataracts, stroke, and emphysema. Even those who do not smoke but are frequently exposed to second hand smoke are also susceptible to acquire such diseases. If randomly question a group smokers whether they are aware of such grave facts on smoking, almost all of them will most likely say yes.

On the other hand, many smokers eventually express the desire to quit the habit once they start to experience the side effects of smoking. However, it is not that easy to quit smoking. The process of withdrawing from the habit of smoking takes time. And once a person finally overcomes the addiction from smoking, it is possible for one to still encounter cravings, which might lead to reoccurring of the smoking habit.      

Managing cigarette smoking cravings

After quitting the habit, cigarette smoking cravings will most likely trigger. These cravings will come and go, hence, it is best to wait for these urges to pass every time temptations to smoke trigger. However, when a person’s cravings are strong, waiting for them to pass is useless. The best thing to do in this situation is to develop a coping plan or strategy, in which an ex-smoker should follow in order to get through the urges of smoking again.

Below is an example of a solid coping strategy that ex-smokers should follow in order to deal with cigarette smoking cravings.

   1. Make a mental note of the reasons for quitting the habit.

Once the cravings trigger, always remember the reasons for quitting the habit. Such reasons may be for improving one’s appearance, for enhancing self-esteem, as well as for improving health conditions. Keeping these reasons in mind will help one stay focus on the process of quitting the habit.

   2. Keep the mind busy.

Distracting or keeping the mind busy is the best thing to do until the craving is over. Try concentrating on any activity that will keep your mind away from the thought of smoking cigarettes.

   3. Drink a lot of water.

Drinking a lot of water can definitely help the cravings to pass, for keeping the body well hydrated minimizes the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.      

   4. Relax.

Instead of panicking, it is best to keep the body relaxed and calm once the smoking cravings trigger. Taking a warm bubble bath, reading a book, as well as meditating are perfect ways to keep the body relaxed.

   5. Munch on oral substitutes.

When cigarette smoking persists, try to eat oral substitute like celery sticks, mints, hard candy, or gum. Munch on any of these goodies until the craving passes.

onsdag 16. mars 2016

Need Help Quitting Smoking?

Little is known about nicotine, besides the fact that it is addictive because of cigarette smoking. Nicotine is included among the class of psychoactive drug in cigarettes, and when ingested, gives the smoker a mild euphoric feeling. Research has also shown that nicotine can be as addictive as heroine, alcohol, cocaine, and other hard recreational drugs, and is the most common form of chemical dependence here in the Nor. Not all smokers know that the average cigarette contains at least 2 milligrams of nicotine that is rapidly distributed to the brain within ten seconds of inhalation. These are just some harsh information about the dangers of smoking, and this alone could make the smoker get  help in quitting smoking.

Since most people who always start smoking again soon after quitting, the first few days of quitting is always crucial to one's success in getting rid of the nicotine addiction. Due to the effects of nicotine withdrawal, and the mere fact that they are not yet used to life without cigarettes, this may be the most difficult time for all smokers. But when prepared, those who survived without smoking may pass this stage much easier.

Since the smoker's body and mind is used to smoking, it is helpful to have a number of items to substitute a stick of cigarette. If a person feels the urge to smoke, use either toothpicks, lollipops, sunflower seeds, mints, chewing gum, carrot or celery sticks, or even coffee stirrers in order to prevent the physical cravings of wanting a cigarette stick. Usually, a smoker may associate smoking with his or her different behavior while living with their daily activities. See if cutting back, or even eliminating them completely from one's daily routine can help in quitting smoking. Common behaviors include drinking alcohol and coffee, smoking when during work breaks or between classes, smoking during stressful situations, smoking after meals, and while driving; and smoking as the first morning ritual. By identifying these behaviors, this can be a great way to help one predict their cravings and be prepared for such.

Since quitting smoking can affect one's body chemistry, it is important to adjust one's diet so that one can provide nutrients that the body needs during this difficult time. Help flush out toxins from the body by drinking eight glasses of water each day. This will also keep the body hydrated and refreshed. Substitute milk, juice, or tea for coffee during breakfast, since caffeine is a powerful drug that can affect both the body's chemistry as well as one's mood. By eating a well-balanced diet and avoiding junk food, this could better regulate one's sugar and salt intake that could help in quitting smoking.

Exercise can also be a good diversion from smoking, besides being great for the body and one's general well-being. Small, short bursts of exercise can help overcome those sudden rush of cravings that come out of nowhere. By doing exercise such as jumping jacks, crunches, short jogs, push-ups, a walk around the block, and bike riding --- one can gradually improve his or her health and outlook in life.

At the end of the smoke-free day, be sure to reward yourself. By having a nice meal, buying new clothes, seeing a movie or concert, or buying the latest music CD --- you can replace your cravings for cigarettes with more positive and healthy rewards.

fredag 11. mars 2016

Five Reasons Why You Should Stop Smoking, Now!

If you are reading this article it means that you have already thought about stopping smoking. The first step in quitting a habit or in changing your life is to take a firm determination or a vow to yourself that you are going to do something. However, in order to take this first step you have to be convinced that it is the right thing to do. If you need some more reasons why it is time to do something about your smoking habit, here are five things to consider:

1. You can live longer if you stop smoking now

According to a study in the British Medical Journal, quitting smoking now could add 7-10 years to your life. No one can be sure that he or she will be alive tomorrow. Anything can happen, due to circumstances beyond our control. Despite this, we should do whatever we can that is within our control to live a long and happy life. You can’t prevent yourself from being injured in an earthquake, but you can prevent yourself from dying due to a smoking related illness.

2. Smoking is no longer cool

Many people begin smoking due to peer pressure or for other social reasons. At one time it was fashionable or “cool” to smoke, but that is no longer so. With study after study confirming the harmful effects of smoking, the tide has turned. It is becoming quite difficult to smoke in public areas and smoking is viewed as a nuisance by the society at large. If you began smoking to be “in”, take a look around and you will see that the times have changed. Keep up with these changes and quit smoking now.

3. Set a good example for your children or people who look up to you

If you know that becoming a smoker was a mistake, then you should make sure that your children or friends who look up to you do not follow in your footsteps. The best way to teach others is by example. If your children or family see that mom and dad or their older brother and older sister do not smoke, then they will be less likely to start smoking. So, think about the example you are setting, and do whatever you can to change your life style.

4. Improve your athletic performance

If you like to play sports then you already know that endurance is very important. Smoking interferes with your breathing and your body’s capacity to absorb oxygen. If you want to improve your athletic performance and increase your endurance, then it is time to put down your cigarettes.

5. Don’t pass on smoke and harm others around you

Even if you are the only one who smokes in your house, your smoke is harmful to your non-smoking loved ones. Second-hand smoke has been proven to be the cause of disease in non-smokers and that is the main reason why smoking is now being banned in public places. While the new non-smoking laws will help to protect the public at large, you can protect your closest family and friends by making a personal decision to stop smoking

There are lots more reasons to quit smoking, but just think about these five reasons and make a decision that you are going to do whatever it takes to stop smoking. It could be a decision that will help you to live a long, healthy and happy life.

tirsdag 8. mars 2016

Free Quit Smoking Advice

If you are trying to quit smoking but are working on a restricted budget, there are a number of free quit smoking programs available to you. You can also consider trying a habit replacement method to help you quit smoking. If you are truly ready to kick the habit, you might discover that it is easier than you imagine it is going to be. It seems as though the paramount ways to quit smoking involve a lot of will power, if you are ready to quit smoking, you may have just enough to get yourself over the smoking hump. Free quit smoking programs can give you that extra push.

All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs. Anthony Robbins Free quit smoking Programs

There are numerous free quit smoking programs that are offered through non-profit organizations. For example, the American Cancer Society offers a variety of online programs for which you can sign up. They will send you a lot of hand-outs regarding the harmful nature of smoking, and you can peruse all of their quit smoking tips. The American Cancer Society has done plenty of research regarding the effects of smoking, so their literature can be extremely motivating, specially if you are already beginning to feel the negative effects of smoking. The American Cancer Society will also send you smoking free videos that supply support and quit smoking times when you are trying to quit, and they often sponsor quit smoking support groups and twenty-four hour quit smoking hotlines. These services can supply just what you need to finally end your stretch as a smoker.

Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. General George S Patton

The American Heart and Lung Association also provides a diversity of free quit smoking programs. Much like the American Cancer Society, the sponsor support groups and offer free hotlines manned by accomplished counsellors who can help you if you are about to plunge of the wagon. They also offer quit smoking tips online, and they can suggest to you affordable quit smoking aids that will help you on your journey toward better health.

It is important to note that...

There are also a variety of free quit smoking methods that you can use to help cut down on your cigarette cravings. For instance, toothpicks area an excellent replacement for cigarettes. You can draw out a toothpick every time you want a cigarette, chewing on it will help to keep both your hands and your mouth busy. Even though this is no substitute for high-priced nicotine replacement quit smoking products, you will find that it is a helpful way to keep your mind off of smoking.

Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. General George S Patton

Even with a limited budget, there are still many free quit smoking methods that can help you to quit smoking. One really great way to reduce your smoking it to read a variety of research studies that discuss the effects of smoking. The more you know about what is going into your body, the less likely you will be to carry on to relish the act of smoking.

mandag 7. mars 2016

Quit Smoking Magic

“Quit Smoking Magic”

Quitting Smoking with a New Lifestyle

One of the best and proven ways to quitting smoking is by making changes to a lifestyle that has been hindered by that dangerous and addictive habit. You must substitute your old lifestyle with a new one.  Focusing on your new lifestyle allows you to live and visualize the end result - smoke-free, healthy, and vibrant - and not just talk about it.

A very successful way of starting a new lifestyle without smoking is to begin a fitness program.

A fitness programs offers a lot of help for the person quitting smoking.  Exercise helps to reduce stress which is a major trigger for smoking with many people.

It will also help to sustain a healthy bodyweight and this can be a fear for people who are prone to put on weight once they stop smoking as nicotine helps to keep weight down.

Statistics have shown that those people who are involved in some form of exercise regimen have a greater chance of triumph when quitting smoking.

The endorphins that are released with exercise are a superior substitute than those that people get from nicotine. One of the main reasons why quitting smoking is so hard for people is because of the endorphins that are released in the brain while smoking.  Endorphins are also known as the ‘feel good’ chemical.

The release of endorphins with exercise can bring about a sense of well-being for several hours following your workout.

As your health will begin to progress within 20 minutes from your last cigarette and continue to do so as your body overturns the damage that smoking has done, one of the first things you will notice will be the capacity to breathe more freely.

Being able to breathe more freely will also boost your energy levels and this will also be augmented by the improvements in the ability for the blood to carry oxygen to all parts of the body.

Increased energy makes working out easier and the upward cycle of fitness can bring some exceptional improvements over a relatively short term.

Changing lifestyles to include exercise usually pushes people to make other improvements to their life with superior nutrition and leading a more stable life. The extra money that you will save from not having to buy cigarettes will allow for more options to get the most out of life and experience things that were previously unattainable when smoking was a part of it.

Quitting smoking is not suppose to be life ending; only life changing for the better.

The Painless Stop Smoking Cure

Eric Eraly

 You Tired Of Trying And Failing To Quit Smoking By Using Bogus Pills, Sprays, Gum, Patches, Books, Lasertherapy, Hypnosis or... even 'Willpower'?

Eric Eraly

Quitting Smoking Made Easy

Smoking cigarettes for a long time can be addictive.  This dependence is thanks to nicotine.  Nicotine is a habit forming substance found in the leaves of tobacco plants and makes up about four percent of the weight of the plant itself.  After processing, the leaves get to retain about seven to twenty milligram of nicotine per stick.  And the average smoker takes in one milligram of nicotine per stick.  It is this inhaled nicotine that creates the dependency.  And the best question to ask is: “How can I start quitting smoking?”

It's true that it is difficult to stop smoking.  It takes a lot of determination to stop yourself from lighting that next cigarette.  It's difficult enough to have to come up an enormous amount of will power to keep yourself from puffing away, you will inevitably go through withdrawal symptoms like anxiety attacks, nicotine cravings, irritation, and an inability to concentrate to name a few.  But thanks to modern science, there are now a lot of different ways to quit smoking.

Here are a few simple and effective ways to quit smoking:
l Medications.  There are different medications that doctors prescribe to help smokers in their battle to quit the habit of smoking. These can be either relaxants or sedatives that help calm and control your nerves.  These medications aid in alleviating the discomfort brought about by withdrawal symptoms.
l Hypnotherapy.  This is considered a moderately effective way to let go of the smoking habit. The willing smokers agrees to be subjected to a hypnosis session.  During session the therapist will use the method of auto-suggestion to give the smoker will power to quit smoking.
l Will power.  It takes no less than iron will to push through plans of quitting smoking.  Will power is nothing but a state of mind, a very state of mind that is very difficult to achieve.  People who have very weak will power will encounter a lot of difficulties trying to stop smoking.  Just keep in mind that if  you put everything into quitting smoking, you will be able to do it.  It also helps have yourself surrounded by supportive family and friends to encourage you in your fight to quit.
l Seek counseling.  Even the strongest of will power falters at some point in time.  It is during these times that you should seek professional help to back you up on your cause.  Counseling is very important for behavioral support.  It helps boost up your morale and bring you back on track to quitting smoking.
l Stop using smoking aids.  This doesn't necessarily mean that you can't depend on smoking aids to get you through quitting smoking.  It's just that smoking aids do nothing more than release little amounts of nicotine into your bloodstream.  Smoking aids are only good for satisfying your body's nicotine craving without the dangerous tar and poisonous gases found in cigarettes.  However since it still has nicotine, there is a tendency for the smoker to drop smoking but get hooked on the smoking aid instead.
l Alternative therapies.  Various alternative treatments have been discovered to help smokers with their nicotine cravings.  Among these therapies are: aromatherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, and meditation.

Smoking may make people look sophisticated and classy, but people should take into consideration more important things than the fact that it makes people look cool.  It is important to know that cigarette smoking may become addictive before you even start on your first stick.  After all, starting is easy, quitting the habit is the hardest part.

Quit Smoking Mindmaster


                                                        Click Here For MindMaster
Don't Go Back!
A common problem with many quit-smoking cures is that people resume the habit a few months after they quit. With MindMaster, your non-smoking affirmations display on your computer screen as long as you want, greatly reducing your desire to light up a cigarette.

Free Help to Stop Smoking

One of the most common reasons to deny quitting smoking is the cost of the stop smoking aids. Many smokers find silly excuses like what it is going to cost to use the stop smoking products, the cost of the laser or acupuncture therapies, let alone the cost of behavior treatment.

Well, we have news for you – you can find and receive free help to stop smoking.

The first free help to stop smoking resource is of course the internet. There are hundreds of articles dedicated to smoking cessation, all offering free advice, tips, and techniques. Online discussion groups dedicated to smoking cessation is another form of free help to stop smoking. These groups are attended by people just like you – all trying hard to stop smoking completely, sharing their problems and tricks for overcoming their nasty smoking habits. Believe it or not, you need this kind of support much more than expensive medications or behavior therapy programs with famous shrinks.

The second free help to stop smoking thing you can do, is just outside your apartment. You may not know but people who spice up their lives with more sports are less likely to start smoking at all. On the other hand, smokers who introduce sports to their lifestyle are more likely to stop smoking. Sport helps cope with the cessation symptoms and the cravings. Even smokers who are not attempting to quit smoking confess that after a session at the gym they simply do not desire a cigarette.

The beauty of sports is that you do not need to go to an expensive gym, nor attend a costly fitness program. The parks and walking sideways are free for everybody so you can start with long walks or daily jogging sessions. Try to spend the weekends outside, even if this outside is the nearby park.

Finally, the last free help to stop smoking idea; and it is simply this. You can get most free help to stop smoking by yourself. After all, the whole cessation process depends on your will, determination and motivation. If you feel uncertain that you want to quit or you are show weakness in the face of the first serious craving, than nothing can help you.

Since you do not have a magic wand, just work closely on your character, life routines and habits. You will soon discover that your smoking addiction has most to do with your lifestyle than with you personally. If necessary change your daily habits and stop visiting the places where you can (or which prompt you to) smoke. Instead of going to a nigh club with your smokers friends, enjoy a walk n the park with your mother; substitute your morning coffee with tea, etc.

There are certainly more and more interesting free-help-to-stop-smoking tips out there – just browse the web or ask your ex-smoker friends.

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking With EFT

                                                 Yes Click Here Quit Smoking With EFT

Why Do Some Fail To Quit Smoking?

Most smokers, when you ask them, will claim that even though they smoke everyday, they really do want to quit smoking. However, the number one reason some smokers don't quit is because deep down inside, they really do not want to quit at all. Nicotine is an addictive drug, simple as that. And the body, once introduced to high amounts of it over a period of time, can't seem to function without it. Quitting smoking is hard, but the truth of the matter is that if you go 48 hours without a cigarette, the nicotine in your body is then gone. After the first 48 hours, if a smoker wants another cigarette, it is possibly for reasons other than a nicotine addiction. 

So what could those reasons be? Well many people give the reason that smoking gives them energy. This can be why it is so hard to quit smoking. In a way, this is true, because smoking speeds your heart rate up. But that is like saying running from a bear is good for you because it keeps you in shape. Nicotine is a true stimulant, and it not only increases your heart rate, but also your blood pressure. It is like getting angry with someone, getting the same biological results. But a way to get these same addictive effects (in ways other than smoking, running from bears, or getting mad at someone,) a good nights sleep and plenty of exercise should do the trick. Drinking lots of clean, cool water also helps. It gives you something to put in your mouth and can help flush more nicotine out of the body. 

One of the most common reasons people give for not quitting smoking is that they have become comfortable with the feel of a cigarette in their hands. Some even say they just like to watch the smoke come out of their mouths. Lots of smokers go back to smoking because they had nothing to do with their hands. We are creatures of habit and this makes perfect sense. If all you just miss the touch of a cigarette, try and hold a real one. However, some find that simply handling a cigarette when trying to quit makes them want to smoke one. Eating regular meals to avoid getting hungry is also a good tip.

How To Quit Smoking : Some Tips

The first tobacco plants are thought to have grown sometime around 6000BC. It was five thousands years later that men first started smoking and chewing the tobacco plant. This happened in the Central America, and the first people to smoke are thought to be the Mayans. More than 2500 years later, in 1595, appears the first book about tobacco, called “Tobacco”. In 1600, the Pope himself forbade tobacco and smoking in any holy place. The recent history of smoking is marked by the firs lawsuit against a cigarette manufacturer, in 1983, by Rose Cipollone. He was dying from lung cancer at that time, but before his death he won $400,000. The latest major act against smoking, and smokers, of course, was in 2003, when the state of New York banned smoking in any public place.

Are YOU smoking?

If you don’t know already, let me enlighten you: you are slowly dying, because smoking kills. The drug called nicotine is can be found in any cigarette you want and this drug is a very powerful one. It is very addictive and quitting it can be done only by will. It is hard, but it isn’t impossible. Here is a fact: around 400,000 dye each year from smoking related diseases. The foremost is the lung cancer. Let’s say you don’t care about yourself, but do you care about the others, about your family, your friends, because you are hurting them as well. It is called secondhand smoke, and it is just as dangerous as smoking itself. You already knew these facts? Look at this as a remember.

Are you quitting?

Well, if you tried to quit and you just couldn’t, it means you either didn’t really want to or you didn’t know how to proceed. I wrote a few tips, to help you achieve this goal. Good luck, and remember, the most important thing is WILL.

• Decide upon a day, and just stop smoking. The best way to do it is to find someone to quit with you. As the old saying goes: The more the merrier.

• When you get the urge of smoking, don’t. Wait for a few minutes before. In the spare time, try to do other things, like eating peanuts or eating gum.

• The old switch trick always pays off. Switch to a brand of cigarettes you hate and buy just one pack at a time.

• Change your routines. When you eat dinner, don’t sit in the same place. At the begging eat only at home, or at a non-smoking friend, so you won’t be able to have a quick one after dinner.

• Always have with you other things to put in your mouth, like a toothpick, or candy (watch for those cavities), or, usually the best, bubble-gum.

• At first you will feel sleepier and more tired than usual. Also you will be more short-tempered. These things pass in a week or so.

• Talk about what you are doing. Many smokers want to know how it is possible. Explain to them; discuss it over a drink, in the non-smokers section, of course.

• If at first you fail, try again. Don’t worry, there are fewer people then you think who made it the first time.

• If nothing works, visit your doctor.

Why Should I Quit Smoking?

Why should you quit smoking? Ah let me count the ways. Perhaps the better question by far is why in hell wouldn't you quit smoking?

Lung cancer directly caused by smoking surpassed all other causes of death in the 1950's and has been (though having slowly declined from that peak) ever since. And this is just talking about death. Morbidity (not mortality) caused by smoking is a 60 billion dollar industry in direct costs associated with the health care needed for smokers. That is one heck of a lot of misery! This figure doesn't even count all of the indirect costs including loss of man hours both related to smoking breaks and sick days as well as shorter life spans with more time spent on disability. Indirect costs also include the health of the people that live with the person that smokes who have statistically speaking several times more use of healthcare dollars than the average non-smoker living in a non-smoking environment. So yeah, the better question is why shouldn't you quit smoking?

You say well your right I should quit and I have tried several times and I cannot do it. You don't even know how hard it is to quit smoking. And my reply is for one thing you are right and I'm glad I don't know how hard it is to stop smoking, because I'm sure that its hard after watching people struggle with it. I would also say however that giving up is not the answer and for several reasons.

For one thing haven't you heard the phrase "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again"? This is a natural part of life to have to fight for the things in life that are really worth something. You don't just give up on something, especially if what you are straining for will kill you if you give up, literally! Would you tell your son or daughter to just give up the fight if they had leukemia because it was going to be hard? No way, and so you can't either.

You also want to say something but I and my body want it so bad and like it so much. And I would agree, addiction is for sure the worst part of the whole thing and makes it hardest to make a good decision to quit smoking. However it still isn't an excuse for several reasons. It still for one thing is a life and death matter. For another, are you going to let those tobacco companies who targeted you and got you addicted on purpose get away with doing that to you? And third many have done it before you and there are good programs that help you to quit smoking. So you've got some thinking to do and some decisions to make. I ask you to choose life!